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The secret of sustainable and lasting motivation

Really powerful motivation comes from inside ourselves, whether it is triggered by rewards, problems or even sometimes it can come from intrinsically-motivating where the spark comes from a place of enjoyment that these activities bring us.

In my opinion, the key to sustainable and lasting motivation is the motive behind. Basically this means making sure the “why” fueling our motive is not only aligned with our values but also represents something greater than ourselves and a high reward.

Here are some techniques for sustained motivation

Even though the KEY is having a strong motive to motivate us research has showed that in order to bring lasting change we need to master the art of: reminders, repetition and rituals.

– Reminders

To focus our attention on a particular commitment we made, it helps to have reminders. These external cues can be straightforward and simple and also you can have others may be more creative and complex.

Here are a few suggestions:

  • Use a calendar to put time for tasks that you want to include in your routine like going to the gym, meditating or cooking a proper meal. Having everything in place so that it’s more likely to happen. These are environmental supports that make it easier for the subconscious to follow the change in behaviour.

  • Get inspired by putting a picture on your wall, phone’s or computer’s background of the “why” you are doing what you are doing.

  • Leave yourself reminder notes in creative places like your shoes, send yourself a letter, put a note on the bathroom mirror, etc…

  • Set an alarm to play a song or a positive affirmation

– Repetition

Regular reminders are also a way of repetition. Repetition is essential for lasting change. Exercising only for the first week or two of the year, no matter how hard, in all likelihood, falls far short of your hopes and aspirations for the new year. You can use technology as your ally and start helping your brain to create new thinking patterns and new positive habits.

  • Plan ahead and (like we mentioned before) put the things you want to do on a diary/calendar.

  • Track your progress on a chart displayed someplace visible or through an app that requires you to log in your achievements; feedback reinforces motivation.

  • Make if/then plans for when obstacles get in the way.

  • Audio: play your affirmations while you are jogging or working out, cleaning house—anytime you would ordinarily listen to music.

  • Subliminal Audio and Video: You can play subliminal audio and video recordings to yourself throughout the day. When you are working out, cleaning the dishes, walking your dog… find more opportunities to start building your best version.

– Rituals

Rituals are another word for routines. The thing is we form rituals after a sufficient number of reminders and repetition because our brain creates new neural pathways associated with a particular behaviour. You might have read a book that said: “21 days for a new goal”… In reality, we need at least 30 days of constant work in order to start making real durable changes. And it might or might not be easier but what is for sure is that after 30 days you will start seeing some changes. Oh and remember when I say 30 days I mean 30 days in a row. If you skip a day then you are starting over from day 1.

Remember that:

  • Less is more. Keep it simple and don't complicate your life. Overloading ourselves with unrealistic expectations might sound challenging and exciting but its called unrealistic for a reason and this might end up hurting your motivation. Instead, be mindful of breaking down your goal and keep in mind that small wins and gradual change will take you to the enplane.

  • FAIL is just First Attempt In Learning!

  • Committing yourself publicly is a strong force. Say or record your intended actions to trusted friend or practitioner. Or better yet, find someone who can keep you be accountable.

  • Affirmations are another way of verbally stating what your desired state is. Sending a powerful message to the brain, and reinforcing desired changes. Download my Beginners Guide to Affirmations for free and make your own!

  • Writing is a powerful tool. Like creating a journal to record your intentions, feelings, impressions. This can support your motivation and learning process.

In my role as a transformational coach, I have the opportunity to work with people who are looking to improve aspects of their personal or professional life that are under their control. Especially around healthy relationships, positive habits, life balance, reinventing their career or even starting their own business. Through my coaching approach, I help these young spirited humans to identify what they really really want, what they need to get it, create a realistic and actionable plan and stabile a lasting commitment to keep moving towards that goal.

Are you interested in getting a coach? Get in touch to book a free exploration call!

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