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Meet Carla

Wellbeing Coach

Hola! Hello!


My name is Carla Carolina. I am originally from tropical land of pinapples, butterflies and patacones: Panama.


5 years ago, after growing up in "paradise", building a promising career in marketing and working for some of the biggest brands and companies in the region.


Something  burst the bubble around me.

Waking me up from what now feels more like a dream than a very distant memory. Pushing me to face an unconfortable truth: I felt miserable living life in auto pilot.


Not really sitting still long enough to contemplate: "Well, what do I actually want?"


You see, at the time I was in an unhealthy place in both my personal and professional life. 

As a former workaholic, I became a professional at using my work as an escape from other parts of my life. But an unexpected encounter with losing a member of the family I realised that life had an expiration date.


But more importantly, I remembered....


I AM NOT A TREE, I HAVE LEGS NO ROOTS. And if I don't like it somewhere I have permission to walk away.


So I decided to walk away from the life I was so invested in living even though it was not really in a deeper level making me happy.


Without knowing the “Plan” I just booked a flight with all my savings. A 3 month trip to Europe. To find what was missing: myself.



I slowly started to shed away limiting beliefs, dipping my toes in the waters of the unknown and surrendering to what actually made my heart sing: Supporting other people in meaningful ways. ​


Unexpected doors started to open.


Schoolarships from a pertigious business school in Barcelona, meeting the love of my life in Toulouse to finding a job "I was supposed to do" in the big smoke London.

Here is the thing, the universe often puts the same stone in your shoe until you are ready to avoid that stone from the begining.


When I was doing this job "I was supposed to do" one more time I felt something was missing. Not because the job wasn't nice, it was "what I was supposed to be working at that point" (see how I keep using the quotation marks?).


I had forgotten what I had learned in Panama. I am not a tree.


Something wasn't aligned with my values and I knew it deep down.


The truth is, there were no tickles in my tummy for marketing anymore. Some days I felt a mental fog, I started to procrastinate more than usual, and slowly I started to feel like my soul was eaten by the routine surrounding me.


I wanted to do something more meaningful but I couldn’t put my finger on what was it…

After working on myself I slowly started to shed away limiting beliefs, dipping my toes in the waters of the unknown and surrendering to what actually made my heart sing: Supporting other people in meaningful ways. ​

In 2019 I started working as a Wellbeing Coach and alternative therapist using the coaching methodology, Neurolinguistic Programing, Emotional Freedom Techniques, Clinical Hypnotherapy, Mindfulness, Yoga, Breathwork, Sound Healing and a wholesome toolkit, exercises and holistic and practical techniques. Helping women, men and non-binary humans around the world in both English and Spanish to make positive changes in their lives.


Working 1:1 with people all over the world, for many yoga studios, international panels, different companies in the UK and even retreat centres in Somerset.


Then in 2023 I became a mother.


And my world changed. To be honest, our worlds are constantly changing, at least mine has been for a while now. Looking to get pregnant what a big decision, getting pregnant what a spin, giving birth and the early days of post partum to the later days of post partum now


PS: I believe post partum is forever.

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And now that I am a mama, I too continue to evolve, learn and update my qualifications, while working with mentors and creating space to give back as much as I can.

I’m always excited to meet anyone looking to gain clarity, feel grounded and ignite their self belief and help them on their journey. 


Oh and I don’t live in London anymore. I now live in the British countryside with my 2 furry children, my lovely husband and my even lovelier child. You can find me on social media or just book an exploration call below to start working together.

What can you expect working with me?


  • Professionalism

  • Open minded and open hearted

  • Deep Honesty and Fun (also a funny accent)

  • Balance between compassion and challenge

  • Exploring different perspective without pressure

  • Flexibility and availability for my most committed clients

  • Oh and a cheeky pug or greyhound snoring in the background from time to time

Accredited by...

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Carla's accredited certified training includes:

Singing Mama Leader Training - May 2024


Women Circle Facilitator - Formación: Hermana Guía by Pao Romero 2024


Reiki 2 Okuden training - Brighitta Moser-Clark accredited by the Complementary Medical Association 2023


Pelvic Floor Anatomy & Women's Health Certificate - Bliss Baby Yoga School 2023


Reiki 1 Shoden training - Brighitta Moser-Clark accredited by the Complementary Medical Association 2022


Clinical Hypnotherapy Certificate - SSOH 2022


Mental health first aider - MHFA England 2022


80hrs Hatha and Pranayama Teacher - Akasha Yoga Academy 2022


200hrs Hatha Yoga Teacher - Akasha Yoga Academy 2021


Emotional Freedom Techniques - Accredited CPD hours Training Provider 2021


Kundalini Yoga Training - Accredited CPD hours Training Provider 2020


Neurolinguistic Programming Practitioner - The Coaching Academy 2020


Restorative Yoga Teacher Training - Yoga For You 2020


Personal and Professional Performance Coach - The Coaching Academy 2019


Minor in Design Thinking - EAE Business School 2018


MBA - EAE Business School 2018

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