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Learn about the power of visualization

Several weeks ago on my Instagram account, I spoke briefly about the power of visualization. This week I was inspired and decided to talk a little more in-depth about this topic.

Many people can define exactly what in detail but sometimes for some of us defining what one want perhaps is not so easy...

Why is important to define what we want?

Because we inevitably notice what we are looking for.

And visualizing will set ourselves to elevate our senses to notice and get to where we want.

In this article, we are simply defining visualizing as "The formation of a mental image of something".

In psychology

A visualization is a cognitive tool that accesses the imagination to realize all aspects of an object, action or result. This can include recreating a mental sensory experience of hearing, sight, smell, taste, and touch.

In psychological practise, visualization is often used to mentally rehearse an action or bring someone to a state of relaxation.

The doctors state that "visualization is not only used to deal with psychological diagnoses such as anxiety and depression, but it can also be used in our daily lives." Visualization has several utilities: such as the use of images before personal or professional interaction when one can imagine successfully giving a presentation or taking an exam. When playing a sport, one can mentally practise before a match, imagining catching a soccer ball or scoring a goal. By preparing for a difficult medical procedure, one can visualize the result of a successful outcome.

The use of specific objects can increase the efficiency of the visualization. Experts suggest using a vision board with motivational images of healthy foods, people who exercise, and inspirational weight-loss statements. When trying to decrease negative thoughts, suggest writing down the thoughts or finding images of the thoughts and placing the items in a box to contain them.

These are some of the benefits:

· Viewing the results you want can boost your confidence. "Seeing yourself" succeed helps you believe that it can and will happen.

· Visualization helps you "practice" success. When you imagine that each step of an event or activity is going well, you prepare your mind and body to take those steps in real life.

· Anyone can benefit from visualization. You don't have to be a life coach or personal development expert to use visualization to achieve your goals. (and we'll talk about this in a bit).

Personal Development and Wellbeing

Visualization in terms of personal development and well-being is a relatively simple technique that can be used to create a strong mental image of a future event. With good use of visualization, you can practice in advance of the event so that one can properly prepare for the event. And by visualizing success, we develop the self-confidence that we need so badly to achieve optimal performance.

For example, imagine you have an important job interview next week. You're already nervous and it's easy to worry about giving poor answers to interviewer questions, talking awkwardly about your past accomplishments, and forgetting your letters of recommendation.

Does it sound familiar to you? We have probably all experienced negative or limiting thoughts like this.

Instead of thinking negatively, you could give yourself the opportunity to use visualization techniques to imagine that the interview is going well. You can imagine yourself speaking confidently, easily describing all of your past accomplishments, and providing letters of recommendation to the interviewer. That vision that feels so much better, right?


While for some of us envisioning a positive future can be a very, very difficult task. Sometimes clinical diagnoses such as anxiety or chronic depression can make this practice a much more demanding task. For other people, the habit or the way we grew up gives us certain mental barriers that make it difficult to use visualization as a tool. Remember that practice will make it easier and easier, little by little, with short steps, visualization can become part of your routine and your umbrella of secret weapons for success. Remember to be patient and have compassion for yourself. Keep trying!

And if you keep feeling stuck or even feel that practising this visualization is being a painful and frustrating exercise, perhaps this is an opportunity for you to speak with a professional (a psychologist, psychiatrist, therapist or a Certified Coach) for guidance. or help you get over what's holding you back.

There are several academic papers that support the use of visualization to set short-term and especially long-term goals.

Personal Opinion

I am convinced that visualization can help you in all areas of your life. Thousands perhaps millions of people around the world from athletes to businessmen to elite artists use visualization to live their lives to the fullest.


Visualizing to achieve goals is super simple, you can start by following these steps:

1. Decide what you want: Without a North to guide us we run the risk of getting lost along the way. Use the power to write things down and put what you want on paper or in a digital document. This can be short term or long term, but it has to be positive (talk about what you want, not what you don't want).

2. Imagine the scene: Close your eyes if that helps you focus more on the moment of imagining what you want. Maybe you notice that at the beginning the image is vague but the more specific you are with the image of what you want, the better. Imagine achieving it, imagine what you are wearing, imagine the colours around you, imagine the smells and most importantly imagine how you will feel when you achieve your vision.

3. Now imagine each step you took to get to that image: Think about the elements, tools or people that you will need by your side to achieve this vision of success. Imagine the words you have to say, the tone, and your body movements. Then repeat the whole process until you reach the successful completion that you want so much. Take your time to relive every detail avoiding negative thoughts. In this world we always find the solution, we always have positive results.

4. Remember to keep visualizing daily. Depending on whether your goal has a specific deadline such as a work presentation, remember to practice your event visualization process at least once a day until your commitment day arrives.

I also want to share these tips that will help you visualize:

· Find a quiet place during your viewing sessions.

· Make a vision board or find a picture that represents what you want and put it in a place that you see all the time.

· Write down all your goals. In the short or long term, also include the mini-goals that will lead you to your vision.

· Say your vision out loud! You can share it with others or just say it to yourself in front of the mirror. Vocalizing what you want will help you create those powerful mental images.

The key to effective visualization is to create the most detailed, clear and vivid a picture to focus on as possible. The more vivid the visualization, the more likely, and quickly, you are to begin attracting the things that help you achieve what you want to get done.

“Proper visualization by the exercise of concentration and willpower enables us to materialize thoughts, not only as dreams or visions in the mental realm but also as experiences in the material realm.” - Paramahansa Yogananda

While it is important to remember that visualization will not guarantee success. Well, it doesn't replace hard work and practice. However, when we combine the use of visualization techniques with our diligent effort (and some form of a support network as well), it is a powerful way to achieve positive behaviour change and create the life we want.

If you are interested in finding someone to help you define what exactly you want, to visualize, to evaluate, to create a plan and to stay committed to what matters to you. But more importantly, if you are looking to change for the better and transform your life from the inside out, you can contact me to enter my coaching waiting list and start your journey of discovery and positive transformation with me!

And remember:

“You can’t do anything that you can’t picture yourself doing. Once you make the picturing process conscious and deliberate, you begin to create the self you want to be.” - Anonymous

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