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Learn how to DREAM

Walt Disney has been part of a few controvertial conversations during the years. Many people admire him, otehers don't agree with him. But one thing most of us can agree with Disney's founder is he has some of the most inspiring and motivational quotes!

Today's blog will focus around DREAMing so I remember Disney's famous words: "If you can dream it you can do it" and today it feels very relevant to mention!

On my social media I’ve talked before about the importance of setting goals. Setting goals is specially important when we are trying to get over procrastination. During my next workshop coming up in November 2020 about Productivity and Procrastination where I’ll be talking more in depth about this topic, I’ll teach you how to create goals in a way that will also help you handle your procrastination challenges. Part of setting goals that work like this is related to our DREAMing capacity.

That's why today I want you give you some tips to learn how to DREAM:

D - Deciding what you want

Without a destination we are just jumping around. By deciding what you want you will make sure all your efforts are put on the right places. Play smart by figuring out what is it that you really, really want!

R - Aligning our expectations to the reality

In other words making sure your goal is realistic. Doing any necessary research to make sure it is legal, and doable. Because if something is not doable or we can’t control it we must remember to focus on the things we can control and do.

E - Stop making excuses

Excuses won’t lead you anywhere. Excuses are just a waste of energy. If something is not possible we move on to the next thing. If there an excuse limiting you use the following diagram (it might help!).

BTW: excuse my poor hand writing and wonky design! haha

A - Taking action

It we keep making the same things is expected to get the same results, right? Or if you continue to do nothing, how are things going to be different?

M - Monitor your progress

Track your progress. Evaluate the things that you have learned or improved alon. Perhaps let go of the things that now you know don’t work best for you. And keep moving forward.

Here is a short video with a recap of todays blog:

I've helped clients all over the world to use their D.R.E.A.M.s. to gain real confidence in themselves, create positive habits, and manifest healthier relationships. You can use this model to do it too!

Interested in transform your life for the better? Get in touch with me or book an exploration call to start our journey together!

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