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How to let go what no longer serves you?

Sounds like a pretty straight forward question right?

In practice though.... maybe not as straight forward to answer.

First of all...

How can you tell when something stops to serve / work for you?

In my opinion when something/someone starts to hurt you more than what it makes you feel good (that's a red flag) and when something/someone brings out the worst in you most of the time (that's also a red flag).

So based on those 2 red flags is how I tell when I need to cut myself away from something or someone.

And if you don't agree with my "mini-guide", perhaps it's a good opportunity for you to sit down and thing... "In your opinion, when can you tell that something no longer serves you/ works for you?" (and remember to write down the answers!).

Now, we know when something needs to go away from our life. But how do we do it?

Usually, there's a reason we still hold onto things that are not as good for us. And that reason makes it harder to make a strong decision.

The other day I was on Instagram reading one of the posts of one of my favourite accounts WANRS and the talked about this subject. Giving some tips and I felt this was information worth sharing. So in this list of tips to "let go of what no longer serves you" are included a few of their suggestions and a few of my own personal suggestions that have worked for me:

1) Remember that is ok to outgrow places, people and things. Successful relationships don't need to last forever. And when you hold onto something after it's expiration date it gets bitter.

2) Never be apologetic for prioritizing your own wellbeing. Embrace it! (even if that makes others uncomfortable).

3) Appreciate the role it played, recognize the lesson, learn from it, and let it go.

4) Cut it from the root. Doesn't matter if it is a place, a thing, a job or a person, sometimes drip dropping our goodbyes is just an excuse to keep it for longer.

5) Look for help. Friends, family, support groups or a professional to talk to about your situation.

6) Keep in mind that holding onto something just out of loyalty will only lead to resentment.

7) Think about your long term vision and letting this go will impact it. Now think how not letting this go will also impact your long term vision.

8) Holding back to a past that doesn't work for you will cost you your future. Clear yourself for the things you need in your present.

9) Realize that just because you are used to something, even enjoy parts of it, doesn't mean it's good for you. And just because you are not used to something, it may feel unfamiliar even, doesn't mean it's bad.

10) Growth and transformation sometimes feel uncomfortable. But when we stop growing... are we really living?

“Just when the caterpillar thought the world was over, it became a butterfly."

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