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Do you only clean your teeth when you visit the dentist?


I thought so...

The same goes towards your goals and wellbeing

Here is something I've been working on that can help you...

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How Self-Coaching can help you

Self Coaching can help you picture what wellbeing and its pillars look at their best for you.

Self Coaching can help you brainstorm and create an action plan towards your vision.

Self Coaching can give you an outlet to put in perspective your ideas around goals you have for yourself.

Self Coaching can bring you a sense of clarity, motivation and accountability.

During the times when you're not working with a professional...

For the last 5 years, as an accredited Personal and Professional Wellbeing Coach, I’ve been slowly and carefully creating a self-coaching workbook


This project is filled with but key digestible theory, straight forward exercises and prompts to help tap into deeper thinking states to dive into ourselves based in a regulated coaching methodology I’ve been using with my clients and myself for nearly half a decade.

Is now available on Amazon!

y en español tambien!

Get the book

english version

Book available worldwide on every Amazon market as "Brushing Your Teeth in Between Dentist Appointments" by Carla Carolina Watson.

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Consigue tu copia del libro

versión en español

Libro disponible en todos los mercados de Amazon como "Como cepillarte los dientes mientras esperas tu proxima cita con el dentista" por Carla Carolina Watson.

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